3818S 18 gage plug in wires $1.81 pr.
3816S 16 gage plug in wires $2.09 pr.
3816L 16 gage plug in wires $2.22 pr.
3814S 14 gage plug in wires $2.22 pr.
3814L 14 gage plug in wires $2.36 pr.
3812L 12 gage plug in wires $2.64 pr.
The Plug In Taxidermy Store
GTAIL Grouse tail wire $1.1.53
PTAIL Pheasant tail wire $1.53
5812S 12 gage plug in wires $3.76 pr.
5812L 12 gage plug in wires $4.03 pr.
5810S 10 gage plug in wires $4.03 pr.
5810L 10 gage plug in wires $4.32 pr.
58316 3/16" plug in rods $5.15 pr. FOR WIRING TURKEY LEGS
TNSTR turkey neck wire for strutting $2.64
TNSGF turkey neck wire for standing, gobbling & flying $2.64
TTAIL turkey tail wire $2.43
TFLYS support for flying turkey $6.81
PKSTA pheasant kit standing $7.66
PKFLY pheasant kit flying $10.44
TKSTA turkey kit standing $12.87
TKSTR turkey kit strutting $12.87
TKFLY turkey kit flying $18.79
TKGOB turkey kit gobbling $12.87
SFLY3 support for suspending birds $3.07
Mike Noon
Noon's Plug In Taxidermy
154 Cleveland Ave.
Carey,Oh 43316
Phone # 419-722-8387
email: mike@plugintaxidermy.com
For the time being the only payment method I will take is Pay Pal
please email all orders
No Tilt Hanger and No Tilt Hanger with spacer
1 1/2" X 4 1/4"
Made to hang on two #10 screws spaced 3 inches apart one above the other.
NTH1 No Tilt Hanger $2.57
No Tilt Hanger / spacer $3.34
No Tilt Magnum and No Tilt Magnum with spacer.
2" X 7 3/4"
Made to hang on two 1/4" lag bolts
spaced 6" apart one above the other.
NTH2 No Tilt Magnum $5.36
No Tilt Magnum / spacer $6.40
No Tilt Super Magnum
2 1/2" X 7 3/4"
Made to hang on two 3/8" lag bolts
spaced 6" apart one above the other
No Tilt Super Magnum $6.75
No Tilt Super Magnum / spacer $7.79
PSQ58 Square pedestal rod 5/8" x 14" $21.57
PSQ12 Square pedestal rod 1/2" x 12" $17.39
PSQ38 Square pedestal rod 3/8" x 9" $16.00
BA14 Base Attachment 1/4" $6.96
BA144 Base Attachment 1/4" 4 pack $26.43
BA516 Base Attachment 5/16" $6.96
BA5164 Base Attachment 5/16" 4 pack $26.43
BA38 Base Attachment 3/8" $6.96
BA384 Base Attachment 3/8" 4 pack $26.43
BA12S Base Attachment 1/2" short (1 1/2") $8.35
BA12L Base Attachment 1/2" long (2 3/8") $11.13
BA124 Base Attachment 1/2" 4 pack
3 short and 1 long $34.36
BA58S Base Attachment 5/8" short (1 1/2") $8.35
BA58L Base Attachment 5/8" long (2 3/8") $11.13
BA586 Base Attachment 5/8" 4 pack
3 short and 1 long $34.36
Mini No Tilt 1 1/2" X 1 7/8" Made to hang on # 8 screws (use 2 screws spaced 1" apart to keep it from tilting).
NTH0 Mini No Tilt Hanger $1.39
Mini No Tilt / Spacer $2.22
No Tilt Big Game 2 1/2" X 3" made to hang on 3/8" lag bolt (use 2 lag bolts 1 1/4" apart to keep it from tilting)
NTH4 No Tilt Big Game $5.56
No Tilt Big Game /Spacer $6.40
No Tilt Big Game Stainless Steel 3 1/2" X 3 1/2" made to hang on 3/8" lag bolt ( use 2 lag bolts 1 1/4" apart to keep it from tilting)
NTH5 No Tilt Big Game SS $11.13
No Tilt Big Game SS / Spacer $11.96